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2024年甘露灌頂三皈五戒典禮 / 2024 Triple Gem Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony
2024-06-23 @ 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
一、宗 旨:本寺為弘揚佛陀戒法,加強弟子行門教育,淨化社會人心,特於國際佛光會歐洲聯誼會暨柏林佛光山落成開光期間,啟建甘露灌頂三皈五戒典禮。
二、資 格:凡正信佛教,發心奉行戒法之在家男、女二眾(以皈依和新戒為主)
1. Objective: To propagate Buddhist teachings and precepts, strengthen the practice within the Buddhist community and to purify the society, the Triple Gem Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony will be held during the BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting and the Inauguration of Fo Guang Shan Temple Berlin.
2. Participants:Lay men and women with the right faith in Buddhism, and aspire to uphold the precepts. ( Priority for those taking refuge or new preceptees)